How to adopt fair source

Fair Source Licenses

Our licenses encode our values: user freedom and developer sustainability.

The following licenses fit the Fair Source Definition.

Other licenses and approaches may also align with our goals and values. These are the ones we recommend for adoption.

Fair Source License
Functional Source License

Functional Source License (FSL)

A simple non-compete license with eventual Open Source conversion after two years. This is the flagship Fair Source license.

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Alternate Fair Source Licenses

These licenses provide different terms and features, catering to specific project needs. They are useful alternatives for projects requiring unique conversion timelines or feature restrictions, offering flexibility beyond our main recommendation.

Fair Core License (FCL)

A variant of FSL that includes license key support. Consider it when monetizing self-hosted software with commercial features.

Business Source License (BUSL or BSL)

A complex non-compete license with eventual Open Source conversion after a certain amount of time, usually four years.

Have another license we should consider? See the README.